Sample Results
Participating schools are given a confidential comparative report with their overall social mission results and results for each of the sixteen social mission areas.
Overall Social Mission Results
Overall social mission results include an analysis of a school’s social mission performance in all sixteen activity areas aggregated together. School results include a comparison of the aggregated result of a school in relation to all participating schools and in relation to all participating schools within their discipline. The distribution of results is divided into Quartiles with the Top Quartile being the highest and the Fourth Quartile the lowest.

Results for Activity Areas in Social Mission
Results of the sixteen (previously eighteen) areas in social mission are reported individually. This report is prepared and presented using graphical displays to indicate results as being in the Top Quartile, Second Quartile, Third Quartile, or Fourth Quartile for all participating schools. A 1-4 star scoring scheme is used to quickly summarize the results in a compressed manner that can be easily examined.