Raashmi Krishnasamy
Team Member, Advocacy, Student Assembly
Raashmi Krishnasamy serves as a Quality Improvement Specialist at Unity Health Care, the largest Federally Qualified Health Center in the nation’s capital.
She works closely with health clinics across the District to increase rates of cancer screening among the city’s most vulnerable communities. She seeks to bridge gaps between research, policy, and implementation to eliminate health disparities at individual, community, and systemic levels. she recently co-founded South Asians Building Bridges, to facilitate critical dialogue around race and equity, and social justice action within and beyond communities in Pittsburgh.
Raashmi recently graduated with her MPH in Community Oriented Primary Care from the Milken Institute School of Public Health and holds a B.S. in Neuroscience from Carnegie Mellon University. She will be starting medical school in Fall 2023 and aspires to become a family medicine physician in the not too distant future.