Medical Schools Invited to Participate in Social Mission Metrics
Find peer reviewed articles, implementation tools, and real world examples of social mission in practice at institutions and programs across the United States. The Social Mission Resource Library continues to grow, so check back often! If you have suggestions for resources to add, please submit them here.
You can search for Social Mission resources based on Activity Area, Topic, or both. Social Mission Action Areas reflect core operations and functions of health professions education institutions and programs that can be targeted for action to advance equity. Use this search filter if you are interested in resources describing actions, interventions, and inputs. The Social Mission Resource Library Action Areas are:
Admissions & Recruitment This Action Area includes but is not limited to Alternative Metrics/Holistic Admissions, Pipeline & Pathway Programs, Targeted Recruitment Strategies, and Financial Support
Educational Programming This Action Area includes but is not limited to Incorporation of Health Equity Principles, Interprofessional Education, Community-based Learning, and Anti-racist Curricula
Institutional Culture This Action Area includes but is not limited to Governance & Policy, DEI Training, Faculty & Leadership Diversity, and Mentorship
Community Engagement This Action Area includes but is not limited to Community Needs Assessment, Community Partnerships, and Community Representation in Health Professions Education
Advocacy & Activism This Action Area includes but is not limited to Advocacy Training for Students and Faculty and External Advocacy Efforts
Measurement & Assessment This Action Area includes efforts to measure, assess, or evaluate institutional performance related to social mission
You can search for Social Mission resources based on Activity Area, Topic, or both. Social Mission Topics can be thought of as goals or outcome areas. Use this filter to see resources displayed based on outcome(s) of interest. Social Mission Topics are:
Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging Diversity and representation of underrepresented groups among learners, faculty, and leadership across; The perceptions, attitudes, and expectations that define an institution, particularly as seen from the perspectives of individuals who are underrepresented based on race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, mental and physical ability, or other dimensions of diversity; Policies and governance structures that institutionalize social mission.
Practice in underserved areas or settings Learners and providers servicing rural or underserved communities/facilities
Specialty choice Learners and providers practicing in high need specialty areas, especially primary care
Health equity champions Learners, practitioners, faculty, and administrators having the knowledge, competencies, attitudes, skills, and/or intent to address health inequities
Community partnerships Programs and policies that address community inequities via external partnerships and practices
Patient & Community health Effects of health professions education on health outcomes at the patient, community, or population level
Strategy: Alternate Admissions Metrics
Harrison, Leila E. PhD, MA, MEd; Nandagopal, Radha MD; Garcia, David MEd; Tomkowiak, John MD, MOL. Impact of Masking Academic Metrics on Enrolling a Broadly Diverse and Mission-Aligned Student Body. Academic Medicine ():10.1097/ACM.0000000000005737, April 10, 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000005737
Akintade B, González J, Idzik S, Indenbaum-Bates K. Topic: intentional diversity in academia: Recruiting, admitting, enrolling, and retaining underrepresented students in nursing programs. J Prof Nurs. 2023 Mar-Apr;45:21-28. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2023.01.004. Epub 2023 Feb 6. PMID: 36889890.
Henderson MC, Fancher TL, Murin S. Holistic Admissions at UC Davis—Journey Toward Equity. JAMA. 2023;330(11):1037–1038. doi:10.1001/jama.2023.15872
Manske A, Johnson T, Brown M. The Effects of Holistic Admissions on Diversity in Nursing: A Literature Review. J Nurs Educ. 2023;62(10):556-562. doi:10.3928/01484834-20230815-08
Brotherton S, Smith CR, Boissonneault G, Wager KA, Velozo C, de Arellano M. Holistic Admissions: Strategies for Increasing Student Diversity in Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Physician Assistant Studies Programs. J Allied Health. 2021 Fall;50(3):e91-e97. PMID: 34495038.
Hess, Leona PhD; Palermo, Ann-Gel DrPH; Muller, David MD. Addressing and Undoing Racism and Bias in the Medical School Learning and Work Environment. Academic Medicine 95(12S):p S44-S50, December 2020. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003706
Aibana, O., Jennifer L. M, Flores, R,J., Love, L. Bridging the Gap: Holistic Review to Increase Diversity in Graduate Medical Education. Academic Medicine 94(8):p 1137-1141, August 2019. | DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000002779
Harrison LE. Using holistic review to form a diverse interview pool for selection to medical school. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent). 2019;32(2):218-221. doi:10.1080/08998280.2019.1576575
The Social Mission Alliance features Social Mission Champions on our social media accounts and blog. The series highlights the important work done by those who are advancing health equity and addressing the health disparities of the society in which it exists. If you’d like to be considered for a Social Mission Champion feature, complete the form below.
Time to Pivot: A Guide to Holistic Admissions
Snyder J, Alexander LM, Statler M, et al. Time to Pivot: A Guide to Holistic Admissions. J Physician Assist Educ. Published online January 16, 2024. doi:10.1097/JPA.0000000000000569