Social Mission Resource Library

Find peer reviewed articles, implementation tools, and real world examples of social mission in practice at institutions and programs across the United States. The Social Mission Resource Library continues to grow, so check back often! If you have suggestions for resources to add, please submit them here.

Resource Spotlight

Domain: Curriculum & Programming, Students & Faculty

Profession: Pharmacy

Through this 2-day program, student pharmacists receive hands-on advocacy experience through background readings, didactic lectures, active-learning exercises, networking opportunities with pharmacy leaders, and a full-day experiential component during which teams of pharmacists and student pharmacists meet with legislators and their staff to discuss current pharmacy legislative issues.

You can search for Social Mission resources based on Domain, Topic, or both. Social Mission Domains reflect core operations and functions of health professions education institutions and programs that can be targeted for action to advance equity. These are also the domains used for the Social Mission Metrics Self Assessment. 

Use this search filter if you are interested in resources describing actions, interventions, and inputs. The Social Mission Resource Library Domains are:  

Pathways, Admission, & Graduation: This Domain includes alternative metrics/holistic admissions, pathway programs, recruitment strategies, and financial support.

Curriculum & Programming: This Domain includes incorporation of health equity principles, interprofessional education, community-based learning, curriculum review, and competencies. 

Community Engagement: This Domain includes community health needs assessments, community partnerships, and community representation in health professions education.

Students and Faculty: This Domain includes advocacy training for students and faculty, faculty promotion, faculty research, and faculty & leadership demographics.

Governance & Accountability: This Domain includes efforts to measure, assess, or evaluate institutional performance related to social mission, leadership demographics, and strategic planning.

You can search for Social Mission resources based on Domain, Topic, or both. Social Mission Topics can be thought of as goals or outcome areas. Use this filter to see resources displayed based on outcome(s) of interest. Social Mission Topics are: 

Diversity, inclusion & belonging: Diversity and representation of underrepresented groups among learners, faculty, and leadership across; The perceptions, attitudes, and expectations that define an institution, particularly as seen from the perspectives of individuals who are underrepresented based on race, ethnicity, gender or sexual orientation, mental and physical ability, or other dimensions of diversity; Policies and governance structures that institutionalize social mission. 

Practice in underserved areas or settings: Learners and providers servicing rural or underserved communities/facilities.

Specialty choice: Learners and providers practicing in high need specialty areas, especially primary care.

Health equity champions: Learners, practitioners, faculty, and administrators having the knowledge, competencies, attitudes, skills, and/or intent to address health inequities.  

Community partnerships: Programs and policies that address community inequities via external partnerships and practices.

Patient & community health: Effects of health professions education on health outcomes at the patient, community, or population level.

  • Resource Type

  • Social Mission Domain

  • Social Mission Topic

  • Health Profession


Let us know of your suggested social mission resources that you think should be included in our resource library.

Champion Spotlight

The Social Mission Alliance features Social Mission Champions on our social media accounts and blog. The series highlights the important work done by those who are advancing health equity and addressing the health disparities of the society in which it exists. If you’d like to be considered for a Social Mission Champion feature, complete the form below.